Monday 27 April 2015

APC Accuses PDP Jonathan’s Administration of Last Minute Looting

APC has accused Goodluck Jonathan’s administration of last minute looting and dubious activities. The party said Buhari will probe all actions of his government after March 28 elections. Their National publicity Secretary Alhaji Lai Mohammmed issued a statement:
“For example, the National Council on Privatisation, which is headed by the Vice-President, has just approved the financial bid opening for transaction advisers for the privatisation of the three development finance institutions in the country – the Bank of Agriculture, Bank of Industry and Nigeria Commodity Exchange. The question is: What is the rationale for rushing this exercise with just weeks left for this administration?
“Also, there have been reports, not refuted, of a planned hurried recruitment into the Nigeria Immigration Service, after a previous attempt ended in a national tragedy and the fleecing of innocent job seekers by mindless Federal Government officials. Apart from the fact that this last-minute recruitment is suspect, it is irregular.
“The Civil Defence, Fire, Immigration and Prisons Services Board is only empowered to recruit, promote and discipline only senior officers (levels eight and above). The power to recruit, promote and discipline junior officers is vested in the different services, in this case the Nigeria Immigration Service.
“Therefore, the recruitment exercise now being conducted by the federal civil service under the auspices of the Presidential Committee to Assist on Immigration Recruitment usurps the functions of the board as it relates to the recruitment of Senior Officers (level 08) and that of the immigration service as it relates to Junior Officers (levels 07 and below).”
APC called GEJ’s attention to a published report that the Minister of the Federal Capital Territory, Senator Bala Mohammed plans to use the Federal Capital Development Authority to carry out a secret employment of no fewer than 500 workers before the end of the month.
“We do not know if this report, as well as others, is true. But if indeed these rushed privatisation and hurried recruitment exercises – in the twilight of the Jonathan administration – are true, they raise serious questions concerning the reasons behind such actions.”
Lai said Jonathan should call his boys to order so as to avoid embarrassment.
“We are therefore compelled to call on President Jonathan to call his officials to order, lest they engage in actions that can later embarrass his administration.”

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